The importance of naming the problem: racism in Higher Education and beyond
ARE’s new Policy and Research officer, Qasim Alli, reflects on his experience working at Oxford and Cambridge, and the barriers stopping real change from happening across the university system. I have spent most of the last decade working to …
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Ten Years Tackling Employment Disparities: Learnings and Reflections for the Future
Through Moving on Up, our flagship employment programme aimed at improving employment outcomes for young Black men aged 16-24 in London, ARE has gained significant insights into what works - and what doesn’t - when it comes to addressing youth …
Challenging School Exclusions, Improving Mentoring: an end of year event
On July 12th, at St Ethelburga’s Centre in the City of London Action for Race Equality (ARE) and Communities Empowerment Network (CEN) marked the end of a successful three-year partnership, under the National Lottery Community Fund, with an …
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Resources for young people
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The Graduate Connector Programme
The Graduate Connector Programme is a pilot programme for London-based graduates from Black, Asian (specifically Bangladeshi and Pakistani) and Mixed heritage graduates.* This exciting programme aims to engage up to 200 London-based graduates aged …
ARE’s Pilot London Graduate Connector Programme launches
ARE is delighted to have launched our London employment initiative - the Graduate Connector Programme (GCP) - for London’s ethnic minority graduates this May. This exciting one year pilot project will support 100 ethnic minority graduates. ARE …
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ARE Voices: a new podcast by and for Black, Asian and Mixed heritage people
This May, following the dual observance of Mental Health Awareness Week and Black Inclusion Week, ARE is thrilled to launch our podcasting journey, with our first-ever charity-wide series, called ARE Voices. Taking inspiration from stories and …
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University and Mental health: how a global pandemic changed it all
In early 2020, myself along with hundreds of thousands of students were gearing up to sit our A-Level exams. However, our studies were halted when a global pandemic ground society to a standstill. Our lessons were moved online, before the government …
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My experience as a young apprentice: a guest blog
Richard Turay is one of our dedicated Moving on Up Ambassadors. He has been vocal about opportunities for young Black men, and played a key part in our recent Moving on Up Awards to recognise those who inspire other young Black men to pursue their …
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Young people on employment, allyship and collaboration
Action for Race Equality hosted its inaugural Youth Employment Conference on Thursday, February 22, 2024. At the heart of this discussion were the young people themselves, including Ambassadors from our ten-year long Moving on Up programme and …
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Public sector, corporate and grassroots hereos announced as winners of the Moving on Up awards!
The Moving On Up programme, a ten-year initiative aimed at improving employment outcomes for young Black men, aged 16 - 24 in London, has today announced its winners for the Moving on Up awards at a special awards event hosted by our employer …
Half of young people experience prejudice or race discrimination in the workplace
Research from Youth Futures Foundation, who are currently funding ARE's work to tackle employment disparities through our Building Ethnic Diversity Programme, has found that almost half of young people from an ethnic minority background have …
Moving on Up Awards: inspring shortlist announced!
We know that there are countless individuals out there championing equity, diversity and inclusion. Yet, there's a small subsect of that group, particularly geared towards addressing the disparities faced by young Black men, aged 16-24, in London - …
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The Speakeasy Podcast with Phoenix Academy
This has been a wonderful experience! The only regret I have is that I didn’t speak enough. I learnt multiple new things and gained a new outlook on certain things. If I could, I would love to do this again!” Year 9, Phoenix Academy A podcast …
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