We encourage journalists to contact us about our work. We provide crucial insights into the experiences of young people who are Black, Asian or of Mixed Heritage in employment, training, education and work and the criminal justice system.
Our CEO Jeremy Crook is a regular contributor to media organisations for informed, relevant comment. We have access to a network of experts covering all aspects of race quality, diversity and inclusion.
Please contact us for information about earlier projects or media enquiries.

Communicating the message on race equality
The CRÈME Project was set up to provide communications support for small black-led and run organisations. CRÈME stands for Communicating the Race Equality Message Effectively and is a joint project/collaboration between three of the largest charities in the race equality sector The Runnymede Trust, ROTA and ARE.
It is hosted by The Runnymede Trust and led by Lee Pinkerton.
The project has produced a range of resources for organisations including videos to help people engage with the media and their respective audiences.
CRÈME stands for Communicating the Race Equality Message Effectively and is a joint project/collaboration between three of the largest charities in the race equality sector.
ARE Voices
Discover a range of blogs and comment pieces by our staff, volunteers, associates and guest writers.