Following the launch of EQUAL’s short film #ScrapTheMatrix in November 2022, Action for Race Equality and youth enterprise, Wipers Youth CIC are delighted to be joining forces to host a special youth workshop on the Gangs Matrix: Policing, Race and Young People!

We’re inviting young people aged 16-24 to attend to:
- Learn about how policing in London has been impacting young people from ethnically diverse backgrounds – especially young Black people – in relation to a controversial database called the Gangs Matrix.
- Hear from individuals campaigning against the Matrix to address systemic racism against Black, Asian, Mixed and minority ethnic people
- Explore ways you can make a difference.
This event will be held in the Voluntary Action Islington building, a short walk from King’s Cross station.
It’ll feature a screening of our film, some pizza, and a chance to meet other young people passionate about social change and race equality!
Address: Voluntary Action Islington, 2nd Floor, 200a Pentonville Road, N1 9JP
Date: Wednesday 15th March,
Time: 5.45pm – 7.45pm
What to expect?
You’ll get to hear a range of perspectives on the Gangs Matrix from campaigners and those working in the race equality space, as well as other young people.
The session will be guided by experienced facilitators.
We also want to hear what you think needs to be done to make policing fairer for young people from Black, Asian, Mixed and Minority ethnic backgrounds, so this will be an interactive forum where we’ll be listening to your ideas.
We specifically welcome young people (aged 16-24) who identify as Black, Asian, Mixed or minority ethnic to learn more about this topic.

Provisional agenda
- Arrivals and registration: 5.45
- Introductions: 6pm-6.15pm
- Film screening of #ScrapTheMatrix short film: 6:15pm – 6.30pm
- Group Discussion and Q&A with criminal justice experts: 6:30-7.10pm
- Knowing your Power / social justice group activity: 7.10pm – 7.30pm
- Final remarks and feedback: 7.30pm – 7.45pm
Please contact Communications and Engagement Officer Payal Bhavsar for details.
About the co-hosts:
Wipers Youth CIC is a youth justice social enterprise which specialises in working with vulnerable and disadvantaged young people. Their mission is to engage with young people to empower them by increasing their personal and social development, confidence and self-esteem.
Their Youth Advisory Board consists of 10 bold, courageous, and passionate Wipers Youth Ambassadors on a six- month paid contract. The Board helps design Wipers activities for 2023 as well as participate in social action initiatives by sharing their voices and lived experiences.
They take part in projects that harness the voices of young people in an inclusive and representative way that empowers them to take social action on issues close to their hearts such as homelessness, racial equity, LGBTQ+ issues and mental health.