In a vibrant celebration of heritage and resilience, Action for Race Equality is thrilled to announce a brand-new youth competition inviting 10-18 year olds to share their stories and memories from the Windrush Generation.
ARE’s Windrush Voices Competition aims to honour the contributions and enduring legacy of the Windrush Generation as we mark the 75th anniversary of the arrival of HMT Empire at Tilbury docks in 1948. It also aims to empower young people to explore histories of migration; to understand their own identities and engage with history creatively.

Windrush Voices is open to young people, aged 10-18 whose relatives may have migrated to the UK between 1948 and 1971, principally from the Caribbean but also former Commonwealth countries.
Whether through oral storytelling, written narratives, poetry, artwork, or digital media, young people across the UK are invited to connect with the experiences, struggles, and triumphs of the Windrush Generation and their descendants.
Deadline for submissions: Sunday 15th October, 11.59pm (extended deadline)
There will be three different categories for different age groups to ensure fair judging. These are:
- Ages 10-12
- Ages 13-15
- Ages 16-18
A distinguished panel of judges, including community leaders, ARE’s young ambassadors, and mentors, will evaluate the submissions based on creativity, authenticity, and the resonance of the stories shared.
Three winners will be announced on 28th October 2023! Details TBC
Prizes for different winners include:
- a trip for two on the Eurostar + £75 worth of retail vouchers
- £75 retail vouchers + a class set of Windrush books
- a pampering gift bundle + a class set of Windrush books.
The books we’re giving away are:
- Floella Benjamin’s, Coming to England (Macmillan Children’s)
- Brilliant Black British History by Atinuke and Kingsley Nebechi (released August 31st, Bloomsbury Children’s)
ARE is committed to empowering and inspiring young people from Black, Asian, Mixed and minority ethnic backgrounds. Our flagship school mentoring programme, Routes2Success, has been working with young people for over 10 years to build confidence and raise aspirations through mentoring and role-model opportunities. Speaking of the Windrush 75 celebration, it’s Programme Manager, Brianna Cyrus said:
The UK would not be where we are today without the positive contribution of the Windrush Generation and their descendants. However, many young people born from that generation still face struggles with their identity, aspirations, and sense of belonging in the UK. But the Windrush story, shows that despite these challenges with resilience, perseverance and a strong sense of identity we can achieve great things. That’s why ARE is delighted to invite young people to connect to this important legacy to mark the 75 years.
Whether you wish to interview relatives or friends, produce a poem or respond creatively to the rich Windrush story, we’re interested in seeing what the impact of this period’s migration means to you, and how it’s impacted British society and culture. By engaging with this shared history, we hope young people will foster intergenerational connections and bridge the gap between past, present, and future.”

To learn more about the Windrush Voices competition, including guidelines, submission details, and important dates, please visit the application form.