A key element of our work tackling employment inequalities is harnessing the lived experiences of young people from Black, Asian, Mixed heritage and minority ethnic backgrounds.
Through our Building Ethnic Diversity in the Youth Employment Programme (previously referred to as our Youth Futures Foundation Infrastructure Resilience Programme), ARE is thrilled to have set up a specialist Youth Panel, made up young people aged 16-24 across England who are passionate about improving employment outcomes for themselves and their peers.
Today, we’re delighted to reveal the new look and name of this youth panel: ARE’s Youth Action Network (YAN) with its very own logo!

The logo takes inspiration from ARE’s emphasis on calling for meaningful action across policy and businesses, and an integrated approach to finding solutions to the issues stopping young people achieving economic and career success due to barriers they face in education, employment and the criminal justice system.
This design was chosen following a brief co-created with the youth panel members, and given to aspiring graphic designer Ruby Stewart Louis, who was tasked with creating a youth-centered logo.
Keep your eyes peeled to spot the logo on our social media channels and website to find content from our Youth Action Network!
Voices from the Youth Action Network
When they first joined ARE, we asked the YAN to share their thoughts on issues that matter to them. They came up with a range of issues, as well as solutions, to employment inequities.

Read what they had to say below…

Ishita Islam

Lynn El-Masri
Targeted solutions

Sahil Sandhu
Levelling the playing field

Sulaimaan Smith

Taha Tariq
Inclusive communities

Witney Aiguokhian
Knowing your rights
Building Ethnic Diversity in the Youth Employability Sector
The Youth Action Network forms part of our two-year programme for the Black, Asian and minority ethnic-led employability sector. This programme has been made possible thanks to the generous support of the Youth Futures Foundation’s Infrastructure Resilience Fund.