- Publisher: Tebussum Rashid, Action for Race Equality
- Available in: PDF
- Published: 04/04/2022
Structural barriers in the UK have created large racial inequalities that have been worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. They have placed a big strain on people and families’ economic mobility. To help address this in London, JPMorgan Chase, supported by The London Community Foundation (LCF), is committing £2 million over 3 years as part of the Pathways to Economic Opportunities Programme (P2E), to invest in organisations providing Employment, Enterprise and Financial Health (EEFH) support with leaders from Black and Minoritised backgrounds.
Phase I: Co-design sessions report
Through Phase I of the P2E programme (October – December 2021), six organisations were awarded stabilization and engagement grant funding of £11,500. They also participated in co-designing Phase II of the programme with ARE, a P2E delivery partner alongside the Ubele Initiative.
This report reflects on the discussions and findings, and aims to provide guidance on the key elements for Phase II.