Action for Race Equality (ARE) welcomes the Home Office's announcement of a ‘fundamental reset’ regarding the Windrush Generation, aiming to deliver justice for survivors of the Windrush Scandal. On Thursday 24th October, the Home Secretary …
Reclaiming the Narrative: African Entrepreneurship and Business Leadership
For this year’s Black History Month celebrations, Action for Race Equality has been supporting the “Reclaiming Narratives” theme. As part of this initiative, Business Coach and Routes2Success role-model, Bayo Igoh, contributes to the ongoing …
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Black History Month: Is it time to rethink, reform and redefine narratives?
A guest blog by Senior Strategy Director and Routes2Success role-model and mentor, Greg Bonsu What does Black History Month (BHM) mean? It’s a question I periodically ask myself and always intensifies as the celebration grows closer. If you search …
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Does terminology matter? West Indies or the Caribbean?
This Black History Month, the theme of 'Reclaiming Narratives' offers the perfect opportunity to reclaim the term 'Caribbean' and discard the outdated label 'West Indies.' But why, you might ask? Read more in this ARE opinion piece by …
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Share your views! ARE Relaunches Racial Terminology Project
Language around race and identity is always evolving. ARE is now asking for your input once again. We want to hear from Black, Asian, and Mixed heritage communities on how racial terminology is understood and used today. Building on our 2021 …
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Job Opportunity: could you be our next Programme Manager?
ARE is looking for a talented and experienced Programme Manager for our new strand of work with Youth Futures Foundation, called Evidence Into Action. ARE successfully applied to Youth Futures Foundation to become their Strategic Partner working …
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Join Routes2Success! We’re hiring a Programme lead
ARE is looking for a confident and passionate Programme Lead to join our Routes2Success (R2S) team, and organise our work with 30 volunteer role models/mentors who deliver workshops in schools, colleges, prisons and community groups as well as …
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Policing Black children: an urgent call for accountability and action
On the evening of the 22nd August, twenty-seven community leaders, activists, and concerned citizens gathered to discuss the pressing issues of police accountability and the safety of Black children in England and Wales. The event, organised by …
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Time to tackle race and class disparities in education and employment
My name is David Izamoje, Senior Data Analyst at the Greater London Authority (GLA) and ARE trustee. In 2017, I was an ARE intern on the Moving on Up project (MoU), designed to increase employment among young Black men in London. In 2021, I joined …
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Alliance for Racial Justice report launch event: ‘A better way to tackle institutional racism’.
The Alliance for Racial Justice is launching its first report ‘A better way to tackle institutional racism’ on Monday September 2 from 12:00 PM - 1:20 PM. 14 years on from the introduction of the Equality Act 2010, the legislation has proven too …
The importance of naming the problem: racism in Higher Education and beyond
ARE’s new Policy and Research officer, Qasim Alli, reflects on his experience working at Oxford and Cambridge, and the barriers stopping real change from happening across the university system. I have spent most of the last decade working to …
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ARE Statement presented at the UN’s Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Presented at the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), 3086th Meeting, 113th Session, on 12th August at the HQ of United Nations in Geneva. "The United Kingdom, its government, and public bodies are institutionally racist …
Join the team! We’re hiring a Grants and Programme Manager
ARE is looking for a talented and experienced Grants and Programme Manager to manage the funding, recipients of grants, consultants and all other key stakeholders on the Windrush Justice Programme. The Windrush Justice Programme is our vital …
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The Diversity Dilemma: Ethnic Minority MPs and the Challenge of Institutional Racism
On the 4th of July 2024, the UK elected the most diverse Labour Government ending 14 years of Conservative hold. Over 40% of MPs are women, and 14% are from ethnic minority backgrounds. While this signals significant progress, we cannot assume simply …
A journey to inclusion: employers & young Black men
All young people deserve the chance to thrive in our global capital, with stable and rewarding careers no matter what their background or ambitions. Yet, we know that too many young people from Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Mixed Heritage …
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