The Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned the ARE to conduct this research. Jeremy Crook OBE, Chief Executive led on the development of this toolkit.
Part of Moving on Up
The Mayor of London’s Inclusive Employers Toolkit
Action for Race Equality is proud to present the Inclusive Employers Toolkit—an invaluable resource created by Moving on Up and the Mayor of London to help Senior Leaders implement sustainable practices which promote diversity, equality, and inclusion.
Specifically, the toolkit provides Senior Hiring Managers and Chief Executives with the tools to drive change when it comes to the hiring, retention and progression of young Black men in London.
Watch the introduction to the toolkit, to find out more!

“[we have] developed this good practice toolkit to help you, as an organisation, achieve far-reaching cultural change. This will not only benefit young Black men, but many others facing structural barriers and discrimination”
The Mayor of London, Inclusive Employers Toolkit
46 employers from London’s digital and construction sectors, and 200 young Black men, developed and tested this toolkit.
With their insights, alongside the long-running work done by our Moving on Up programme, we know a targeted approach is necessary to tackle some of the most ingrained disparities facing London’s labour market.

Sources: Youth Futures 2022 survey & APS statistics 2014 – 2023.

The Mayor’s Workforce Integration Network
As part of his Strategy for Social Integration, in 2018 the Mayor of London launched the Workforce Integration Network (WIN). The network is helping improve pathways for underrepresented groups in the workplace – particularly young Black men aged 16 to 24 years into living wage employment in London.
It is currently focusing on the construction and digital sectors, which aligns with Moving on Up’s work. Collaboration between the WIN team led to the development of the toolkit on this page.

Champion Positive Action
Our dedicated team of employers are allies, making a difference to career journeys of young Black jobseekers.
“Being a member of the Employers’ Network is a demonstration of HS2’s commitment to creating tangible pathways into employment on the programme for people from local communities and diverse groups.” – AMBROSE QUARSHIE, Skills Manager at HS2