Black, Asian and Minority-ethnic led organisations
are collaborating for criminal justice reform
Our criminal justice system is in need of urgent attention.
Black, Asian, Mixed and minority ethnic communities are experiencing harsher outcomes at nearly every stage of the justice system.
Policy makers and leaders across the criminal justice system need to urgently address discriminatory attitudes, behaviours and policies at every level.
And with a chronic lack of under-investment and under-utilisation, the community, voluntary and frontline groups providing support to people in the criminal justice system, or those at risk of entering it, are facing multiple barriers in carrying out their work.
ARE is working closely with decision-makers within government bodies, alongside minority-led community groups who provide essential services to Black, Asian and minority ethnic people, to ensure that race equality remains a core and achievable goal across criminal justice policy and practice.

…there is deeply concerning evidence of toxic and racially discriminatory workplace cultures across our criminal justice system.”
Criminal Justice Alliance Beyond a Numbers Game, 2023
Our key areas of work:


Prisons and Probation

Youth Justice
Our core aims are to…
- Increase the participation and input of Black, Asian, and Muslim civil society organisations in criminal justice policy platforms and service delivery.
- Reduce the racial disparities across policing, prison, and probation by supporting the implementation of race action plans and programmes and acting as a critical friend when these plans are not being delivered or achieving the expected outcomes.
- Reduce the disproportionate over-representation of Black children and young people on remand and in custody, by addressing racialised policing such as disproportionate use of stop and search powers on young Black children.
- Increase the use of preventative and diversionary measures for Black, Asian and Mixed Heritage children and young people. Ensure these measures meet the needs of the young people and effectively reduce re-offending.
Our Criminal Justice projects

Alliance for Police Accountability
ARE is delighted to be the Secretariat of the newly formed Alliance for Police Accountability. Made up of a collective of Black-led organisations and dedicated individuals

EQUAL: national independent advisory group
In recent years much of our work addressing the poorer outcomes for Black, Asian and Minority ethnic communities in the CJS was through the EQUAL initiative which had its roots in the Young Review, 2014.
Policy Engagements
Action for Race Equality is a critical friend to a range of initiatives geared towards criminal justice reform. Our active engagements include:
- Alliance for Police Accountability
- The National Independent Advisory Group
- HMPPS’ Race Action Plan advisory group
- The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime
- FOME working group
- Transition 2 Adulthood member
- Alliance for Youth Justive member
- Criminal Justice Alliance member
- Better Justice partnership

Meka Beresford
Head of Policy

Ethnic inequalities in sentencing and remand
Download the briefing, which takes a comprehensive look at uniquely linked data from Crown Court and magistrate’s databases from the Ministry of Justice’s Data First programme.
Written by Dr Kitty Lymperopoulou as part of an ESRC-funded research project, supported by EQUAL, Clinks and the MoJ.