On Wednesday 28th September, during National Inclusion Week 2022, leaders from across Construction, Finance and Technology and a cohort of young Black men came together at the iconic headquarters of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors …
Statement on the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II
The staff and trustees of Action for Race Equality would like to express our sincere condolences to the members of the Royal family. HM Queen Elizabeth II placed a high value on the country's charities and community sector, and we have been …
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ARE’s response to the Inclusive Britain Report
EQUAL, Action for Race Equality's criminal justice arm, has responded to the government's Inclusive Britain report and called for further action to be taken to address racial disparity across the UK, particularly in the criminal justice system where …
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The making of Routes2Succes: an interview with Brianna Cyrus
Brianna Cyrus is Routes2Success' programme manager. She is also a qualified Secondary English teacher and had been teaching for 8 years before she began working for Action for Race Equality in 2013. This month, she was interviewed by Nu …
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Connecting young Black men and leaders from Construction, Tech and Finance: a new joint event
Action for Race Equality, through our Moving On Up initiative, is thrilled to have joined forces with the Mayor of London to bring together a unique, two-part event this September! (Header photo credits: Luke Agbaimoni) A Journey Towards …
Join the team: run our Youth Panel
ARE is looking for an enthusiastic person to join our team to run our exciting new Youth Panel. You'll be passionate about working with young people, and be committed to ensuring that their authentic voice is heard. The ARE Infrastructure …
Routes2Success Learning Sessions
On Monday 8th August Routes2Success held their first learning session of 2022 in attendance with the R2S Team and ten of their dedicated role models and mentors. The learning session was an opportunity for the team to share best practice and …
ARE and EQUAL call for an urgent review into Met Police strip searching children
Responding to the Children’s Commissioner’s findings on the strip-search of children by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), Action for Race Equality (ARE) CEO and Vice-Chair of EQUAL, Jeremy Crook OBE, has called for an urgent review of …
Changing the careers landscape: jobs for young Black men
There are around 90,000 young men in London from Black and mixed ethnic groups. This represents around 18% or nearly 1 in 5 of all young men in London. Yet, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) statistics show young Black men face consistently …
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EQUAL challenges Greater Manchester Police’s Xcalibre policy
EQUAL has joined forces with 11 voluntary, community and equality organisations in an open letter to Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, and Deputy Mayor Baroness Beverley Hughes who oversees the city's Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and …
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Moving to a new phase: Pathways to Economic Opportunities
On Tuesday 28th June, Action for Race Equality co-hosted a special afternoon with the Ubele Initiative to celebrate the journey taken by Black and Minority-led organisations on the Pathways to Economic Opportunities Programme by London Community Fund …
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Windrush Justice Programme
Action for Race Equality is pleased to announce that it will be supporting grassroots organisations and groups working directly with those affected by the Windrush Scandal. A new fund has been established by Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Mayor …
New infrastructure fund awarded by Youth Futures Foundation
Action for Race Equality is delighted to announce that we have been selected as one of seven organisations to benefit from the £1.3 million Infrastructure Fund from Youth Futures Foundation in their latest round of grant funding. The award seeks …
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Action Learning Sets: using innovative business development exercises
The Enterprise Support Programme is a programme run in partnership with Islington Council to help Black, Asian and Minority ethnic-owned businesses recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Recognising the unique and significant challenges faced by …
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A learning curve for Islington’s Black, Asian and Minority ethnic owned businesses
The Enterprise Support Programme is a programme backed by Islington Council to help Black, Asian and Minority ethnic-owned businesses to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Recognising the unique and significant challenges faced by Black, Asian …