- Publisher: Alliance for Police Accountability
- Editor: Prepared by Joel O’Loughlin, supporting research by Shamayah Marcellin & Nathania Atkinson
- Available in: PDF
- Published: 06/01/2022
Breakdown in relations with the police, lack of confidence in strategic agencies, and local authorities must be addressed in the face of increased structural racism and poverty amplified by the economic crisis that has resulted from the Covid-19 pandemic.
The pressing need for a Black community response to these issues and the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement presents both a challenge, and an opportunity to develop a new agenda for change. These realities, combined with the impact of serious violence within Black communities, reinforces the need for a community driven policing and public health agenda.
This report explores the evidence for Community Oriented Policing (COP).
Prepared by Joel O’Loughlin, supporting research by Shamayah Marcellin & Nathania Atkinson