This project has taught me that I can do more than I think I can do. I can read and speak better than I thought I could.”
Year 10, Oasis Academy
As part of generous funding from the Mayor of London’s New Deal for Young People, Routes2Success has been able to expand our work in London secondary schools to run special, expert-led race equality action projects. The second of these was held with Year 10 boys from Oasis Academy in Enfield, in partnership with expert role-model, Hepburn Harrison Graham.
Over 8 weeks, starting in January 2024, Routes2Success worked closely with a group of boys who had been identified as exhibiting early signs of leadership, communication and teamwork skills that could be built upon through the project.
They decided their Race Equality Action Project (REAP) would be a podcast called A Question of Colour.

They started out by identifying negative stereotypes that exist around young Black boys both in school and outside, which lay the foundations for the topics of discussion in the podcast.
It was imperative for the boys to identify these stereotypes, not just for the content of the podcast, but also to give them a greater understanding of how the world around them may have preconceived ideas about who they are.
This was a message that Routes2Success was keen to explore because, by becoming aware of these stereotypes, the young men could then learn how to avoid falling under them.
The REAP at Oasis Hadley Academy saw a group of shy boys grow into a group that could lead their own discussions on issues that some may view as “too complex” for boys of their race and age.
The success of the podcast serves as a testament to their dedication and the transformative power of engaging in critical conversations about their identities and experiences.”
Hepburn Harrison-Graham, expert-role model
This REAP exemplifies the magnificent things that young people can achieve once you give them a feeling of empowerment and give them an opportunity to prove themselves.
By Liam Campbell, Local Project Engagement Officer

Listen episodes, as they’re released, on our Soundcloud or Spotify!
We’re always looking for volunteers with skills and experience to lead similar projects such as this. Get in touch with us at or register your interest below!