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Portrait Of Female Teenage Student On College With Friends

Current programmes & projects


We can help you launch any simple or complex website. Our team of designers and engineers love pushing the envelope with new technology.

Moving on Up

Need a native app or progressive web app built for your product or service? We’ve built hundreds of them and would love to build yours as well.


We can help you serve your data your way. Our advanced engineer team can help you design and architect a custom API for any project or service.

Case studies

In over 30 years of work, we’ve helped hundreds of young people and organisations in the areas of education, training, employment and criminal justice.

Our evidence-based programmes and projects have included mentoring, careers advice and support, training and development. They aim to make lasting differences in the lives of young people who are Black, Asian or of Mixed Heritage and and to encourage, support and inspire others to do the same.

LLDC East Works Careers

East Works Careers (EWC), funded by London Legacy Development Corporation, is a two-year programme to support those who are:

  • Aged 15-19
  • Living in Newham, Hackney, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest
  • From under represented groups (BAME, gender in STEM related roles)
  • In need of additional support to prepare them for the next positive step in life; e.g. employment, university

Led by BTEG working in partnership with West Ham United Foundation and Elevation Networks the programme will work with 250 young people and 100 BAME graduates to provide careers support, advice and guidance.

Covid-19 Response Capacity Building Project

Funded by The London Community Foundation and the National Lottery Communities Fund, this support will target small BAME-led civil society groups across England working directly to support people at high risk of the virus, have faced a significant increase in demand and/or have limited capacity to focus on internal developments and planning. It will enable them to build their structures, systems, people and skills in order to deliver projects and services in line with the current context and needs.

BAME Connectivity Programme

After 18 months of successful delivery the BAME Connectivity Programme has now ended. 

All useful links and blogs to assist you in current and future collaborations, infrastructure and leadership are still accessible on the links below.

Please visit our Capacity Building Projects page to find out more about the current organisational development support available

JRF Poverty and Ethnicity programme

In spring of 2011, Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) launched a new five year programme to increase the understanding of the relationship between poverty and ethnicity. They would use this to develop more effective ways of tackling poverty across all ethnic groups in the UK.

The first two phases of the JRF programme were research based and details can be found here

Phase 3 consists of four practical projects which build on evidence gathered through the programme so far and test out ways of tackling issues that have emerged.

BTEG was the strategic partner working with JRF on Phase 3 of the programme

30 years by the numbers.

We champion fairness, challenge discrimination and pioneer innovative solutions to empower Black communities through education, employment and enterprise. Our activities involve working with Government, business, public services, Black-led and run organisations and the media.


Partners & Funders


Programmes & Projects



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